Free download ZX Spectrum

ZX Spectrum

ZX Spectrum Emulator for Windows and .net - The emulator currently supports ZX Spectrum 48k tzx
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Richard Butler
File size
1.8 MB
Release date
16 October 2009

Editor's review

ZX Spectrum Emulator for Windows and .net is an emulator that currently supports ZX Spectrum 48k, tzx tape files and tape deck emulation, Sound, Basic, Snapshot saving, game loading and more ...other supported file formats include tzx, sna, z80, tap and wav.

Features: ZX Spectrum Emulator for Windows and .net is an emulator. This version supports ZX Spectrum 48k, tzx tape files, and tape deck emulation. Sound, Basic, Snapshot saving game loading and more are also supported, Other supported file formats include TZX, SNA, z80, tap, WAV etc. This emulator is supported on Windows Vista 32 and 64 bit versions as well as Windows 7. This is an emulator for those who are still nostalgic about mini format computer that used to load programs from cassette tapes. Games also used to come on cassettes. It will take forever to load and you may still end up with a loading error.

Despite all those problems compared to today the machine had a cult following and a large percentage of such people may like to play with the emulator, just from those nostalgic feeling alone! The emulator works exactly like the original Spectrum and you could play the old games and run the programs. The following applications and games are being added to the emulator to make the experience fulfilling. These include the emulator for Vista and Windows 7, Games, tape preservation, tape database management and so on.

Overall: A unique application, though for a very specific niche.

Publisher's description

ZX Spectrum Emulator for Windows and .net - The emulator currently supports ZX Spectrum 48k tzx tape files and tape deck emulation, Sound, Basic, Snapshot saving game loading and more ...other supported file formats include tzx sna z80 tap wav. for Windows Vista 32 and 64 bit & Windows 7
"Remember the days when keys stuck down, the kettle boiled quicker then loading one game and at times it didn't load at all "R Tape Loading Error", When you sat for hours typing in code from a magazine for a DIY game (cheap skate) ... yet it never ran!... hundreds of lines of code with an unknown typo (somewhere)... priceless."
Well it never really went away and just for your pleasure we are proudly and somewhat sadly ready to release a .net windows emulator for you to relive it all over again, who needs super fast computers, amazing graphics, games in gigabytes when kilobytes could provide enough space to draw a stick man and we used out imagination to build the world, who needs windows and 8086 processing power when... Well actually we do - without this isn't going to work... anyhow download play, moan, and help out don't be shy, We need help and Your old spectrum tapes to preserve them so get them from the loft and don't bin them, kind caring homes waiting! So if you have something we are missing please help out.
ZX Spectrum
ZX Spectrum
Version 1.0
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